Latar Masa, Latar Masyarakat, Latar Tempat (Komsas Tingkatan 4)

Prosa Tradisional Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan : Latar Masa, Latar Masyarakat, Latar Tempat (Komsas Tingkatan 4)


Latar Masyarakat

    Masyarakat feudal -Contoh:  Masyarakat yang mengamalkan sistem pemerintahan beraja .

2.         Masyarakat yang bertanggungjawab -Contoh :    Laksamana menawarkan diri untuk menangkap penjurit yang menyebabkan masalah kecurian di negeri Melaka

3.         Masyarakat yang mengenang budi - Contoh :    Saudagar dan orang-orang kaya yang kehilangan hartanya akibat dicuri oleh Kertala Sari telah memberikan sebahagian harta mereka kepada Laksamana dengan ikhlas serta harta mereka ditemui.

4.         Masyarakat yang taat pada pemerintah - Contoh :  Ketaatan Laksamana terhadap Sultan dan negerinya.                                                                                                                  
          Latar Tempat

1.         Negeri Melaka     - Contoh: Kertala Sari membuat huru-hara dengan mencuri harta sudagar dan orang-orang kaya di Melaka

2.         Majapahit  -Contoh: Patih  Gajah Mada dan Seri Bentara merancang untuk membalas dendam atas kematian penjurit tujuh  bersaudara di Bukit Cina.

    Di tengah pasar -Contoh :  Tempat Kertala Sari mati dibunuh oleh Laksamana.

Latar Masa

1.         Malam - Contoh:     Kertala Sari masuk mencuri ke rumah saudagar dan orang-orang kaya pada sebelah malam.

2.         Siang - Contoh: Bendahara melaporkan kepada Sultan bahawa rumahnya telah dimasuki pencuri dan habis segala harta-hartanya.  

Watak dan Perwatakan (Komsas Tingkatan 4)

Prosa Tradisional Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan : Watak dan Perwatakan (Komsas Tingkatan 4)

1.         Laksamana

·         Seorang yang berani
·         Seorang yang pemurah
·         Seorang yang bijaksana
·         Cinta akan keamanan negara
·         Taat setia kepada pemerintah
·         Pandai dalam ilmu kesaktian
·         Memiliki sifat kepahlawanan

2.         Kertala Sari

·         Anak kepada Petala Bumi
·         Berasal dari Majapahit
·         Seorang pencuri yang handal
·         Seorang yang tamak dan angkuh
·         Seorang pendendam
·         Pandai dalam ilmu kesaktian
·         Suka membuat huru-hara
·         Taat kepada pemerintah

3.         Sultan Melaka

·         Seorang yang prihatin
·         Seorang pemimpin yang adil
·         Seorang yang mengenang budi

4.         Patih Gajah Mada

·         Berasal dari Majapahit
·         Seorang pendendam


Tema dan Persoalan (Komsas Tingkatan 4)

Prosa Tradisional Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan : Tema dan Persoalan (Komsas Tingkatan 4)


Kepahlawanan seorang laksamana mempertahankan negara. Keberanian dan kegagahan Laksamana mempertahankan negeri Melaka dari ancaman penjurit tujuh bersaudara serta Kertala Sari dari Majapahit yang membuat huru-hara.


1.         Persoalan keberanian dalam menegakkan keadilan.

2.         Persoalan pemimpin mestilah seorang yang bijaksana.

3.         Persoalan pemimpin yang mengambil berat kesusahan rakyat.

4.         Persoalan penggunaan ilmu kesaktian dalam kehidupan seseorang.

5.         Persoalan perasaan dendam membawa akibat buruk.


Novel Captain Nobody : Characters (Form 5 English Novel)

Novel Captain Nobody : Characters (Form 5 English Novel)


•        A 10-year-old, fourth grader at Appleton Elementary

•        Short, skinny, freckled,quiet
•        Lives in the shadow of elder brother, Chris Newman, whom he loves dearly
•        Quiet, unassuming, ignored by others

•        Creative, talented artist, enjoys drawing superheroes
•        Selfless, loving, responsible, hard-working, disciplined, independent, positive, intelligent,

•        observant, has integrity
•        Fear of heights (ACROPHOBIA)
•        Feels confident, strong, when he is dressed as Captain Nobody.

•        Helpful – makes breakfast for the family every day

•        Heroic – saves Mr. Clay, the Sullivan’s, Ferocious the Ferret, Reggie Ratner in his alter ego character, Mr. Nobody


•        Newt's classmate and one of Newt's two best friends
•        Shorter than Newt, has a loud voice
•        Also ignored by the other kids at school

•        Outspoken, impulsive, innovative and always bursting with ideas, witty
•        positive; encourages and motivates his friends

•        dreams of becoming a drummer


•        Newt's classmate and one of Newt's two best friends

•        Is 'invisible' to the other kids at school but she does not let it bother her

•        Tallest girl in the fourth grade

•        Positive, creative, careful, sharp, intelligent, thoughtful, sensitive, observant, outspoken

•        A voracious reader, has amazing vocabulary and grammar, able to read when she was three

•        Helps to create Newt’s Halloween costume


•        Newt's older brother in Fillmore High School

•        An American Football star in his school Ferrets of Fillmore High School

•        Tall, athletic, agile

•        Brotherly, loving, kind, shares a close bond with Newt

•        Disciplined, determined, performs well under pressure, has a sense of humour.

•        Scored the winning touchdown in the Big Game

•        Knocked unconscious into a come during the Big Game


•        A busy supervisor with a construction company

•        Gives a lot of attention to Chris but neglects Newt

•        Tries to make up for his neglect of Newt when he is informed of Newt's unusual behavior


•        A busy estate agent

•        Absent-minded - depends on Newt to remember where she leaves her keys and documents


•        A student at Merrimac High
•        Heavily built defence player of the rival football team
•        Arch-enemy of Chris Newman on the field

•        Harassed by Chris's teammates
•        Appleton residents mistakenly think he is planning to jump from the water tower


•        Newt's teacher

•        Diplomatic, wise - tells the principal that Newt is distracted by Chris's injury.

•        Kind, compassionate, perceptive – realizes what Newt is going through when he comes to school in his Halloween outfit

•        *Controls her class well.


•        Principal of Appleton Elementary School
•        Strict but open to reason

•        Is not good at remembering names.


•        School Nurse
•        Kind and soft-hearted - cares about Newt and shows concern


•        Reggie's cousin at Fillmore Elementary

•        A large, seventh grader
•        Intimidates and threatens Newt to tell Chris's friends to leave Reggie alone.


•        One of the players in the football team of Fillmore High

•        He is actually the one who knocks Chris out
